Microsoft Team

Microsoft Teams user activity, Call quality and usage reports

Balu llag | March 1st, 2019

Microsoft Teams user activity, Call quality and usage reports

How do I access Microsoft Teams user activity, Call quality and usage reports?

Microsoft Teams has rich call quality and diagnostic data as well as analytics and reporting capabilities which allow you to pull, teams user activity, device usage and teams usage report to show teams overall usage and adoption in your organization. These usage reports data will help you in setting up teams adoption strategies.

Microsoft Teams call quality details will help in troubleshooting audio/video and meeting quality issue, like Skype for Business user activity reports was showing call quality data. You can easily access per user call quality dashboard by visiting, Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center (, in the left navigation, select Users, and then under Userspage, type user name or email in search box and then press enter to open user details and quality report for that specific user.

Quality report show last 7 days calls and meeting data. Refer the below image which shows my accounts last 7 days data.

Teams call and meeting quality report

How can I see all Teams user activity in my organization?

If you are looking for user activity report, then visit Office 365 Admin center and pull the users activity reports for Teams. The Teams user activity report gives you a view of the most common activities that your users perform in Teams. This includes how many people engage in a chat in a channel, how many communicate via private chat message, and how many participate in calls or meetings. You can see this information for your whole organization, as well as for each individual user.

To view Teams user activity report, login to Admin Center ( and then, select Reports > Usage. On the Usage page, choose Microsoft Teams and the select report you want to view. There are two reports Device usage and User activity.

Refer the below Microsoft Teams user activity report image.

Microsoft Teams user activity report image.

How do I access Teams Analytics and Reports?

If you are looking for Teams user and device usage reports, then you need to visit Teams and Skype admin portal. However, you must be a global admin in Office 365, Teams service admin, or Skype for Business admin.

To access these reports, visit to the Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center, in the left navigation, select Analytics &

reports, and then under Report, choose the report you want to run.

So far, Microsoft provides three different reports; these reports are available in the Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center. Microsoft are continually improving the Teams reporting experience and adding features and functionality. As best practice you should frequently visit reporting section to see additional capabilities into the reports.

Currently these reports available for date range as last 7 days and last 28 days. Microsoft may add custom and more date ranges in future.

Teams Analytics and Reporting
  1. Teams Usage Report:

This report provides the list of, Active users, Active users in teams and channels, Active channels, Messages, Privacy setting of teams and Guests in a team. To access this report; log on to Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center (

The Teams usage report in the Microsoft Teams admin center gives you an overview of the usage activity in Teams, including the number of active users and channels, so you can quickly see how many users across your organization are using Teams to communicate and collaborate. You can view usage information for teams, including the number of active users and channels, guests, and messages in each team.

  • Teams user activity report:

This report provides 1:1 calls a user participated in, Messages a user posted in a team chat, Messages a user posted in a private chat and Last activity date of a user. This report gives insight into the types of activities that users in your organization perform in Teams. For example, you can see how many users communicate through 1:1 call, how many users communicate through channel messages, and how many users engage in private chat messages.

  • Teams device usage report:

This report based on devices where teams accessed and used including Windows users, Mac users, iOS users and Android phone users. The Teams device usage report in the Microsoft Teams admin center provides you with information about how users connect to Teams. You can use the report to see the devices that are used across your organization, including how many use Teams from their mobile devices when on-the-go.

If you are looking for more details in dept report information then refer :

Thank you.

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