Microsoft Teams

Managing Microsoft Teams Workload: Understanding Administrator Roles The effectiveness of remote work environments and the increasing complexity of collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams necessitate specialized roles for effective management. Microsoft Teams offers a variety of administrator roles to manage the Teams workload effectively. These roles are...

How do set Antivirus and DLP application exclusion for Microsoft Teams? It is important to exclude Microsoft Teams client from third-party Antivirus and data loss prevention (DLP) applications because it can interfere with the Microsoft Teams app, and it can prevent the application from starting correctly...

Microsoft Teams shows Presence unknown for contacts status Once in a while, Teams doesn’t show contact status correctly; it shows as “Unknown” or “Offline” or not updating. Microsoft Teams have pre-defined conditions if any of the conditions are true, then Teams presence status will show as...

Microsoft Teams Calendar Sync Issue  Occasionally, users see Teams calendar sync issues. Due to that, the user doesn’t see all the meeting events in the Teams calendar but shows in the outlook calendar. In Teams user may see the error message: Can't sync right now....

How to clear Microsoft Teams client cache? Sometimes users may experience issues that affect Microsoft Teams functionality, like presence information not showing correctly, Teams chat doesn’t show images, Teams meeting or call drop, etc. clearing the cache on the user’s device may benefit. After the user...

Different limits and expiration period applied for Microsoft Teams capabilities Microsoft Teams provides multiple features such as persistent chat, presence, voice/ video call, meeting, application sharing, file sharing, phone system, application integration and so on. In Microsoft Teams, every workload has a different maximum limit...