20 Apr Different ways to set Microsoft Teams meeting options for participants
Different ways to set Microsoft Teams meeting options for participants
Teams meeting option is very helpful for meeting organizers to change certain meeting settings for a specific meeting. Teams do have an organization-wide setting that defaults to everyone. Teams admin can keep default Teams meeting setting or can create a custom setting as per their organization requirement, however, those settings applied to set of the user but not for a specific meeting. Meeting Organizers can set custom meeting options for a specific meeting, this option includes participant settings.
Meeting Options available for organizer for specific meetings are:
- Who can bypass the lobby?
- Announce when a caller joins or leaves.
- Who can present?
- Allow attendees to unmute.
- Allow meeting chat.
- Allow reaction in the meeting.
How to set or modify the meeting option?
The meeting organizer can use different ways to get to Meeting options for a scheduled meeting.
First way using Outlook- Open new Teams meeting in outlook calendar, and you will see “Settings” icon and click on it like shown in the below image.
Once you click on Settings, you will see the “Meeting Option” window like the below image. In the meeting option, you can set six different settings, such as who can bypass the lobby, announce caller join or leave, who can present, allow meeting chat or not, etc. The below image shows all six custom options.
- Who can bypass the lobby? – organizer have below options to choose,
- Everyone
- People in my organization trusted organizations and guests
- People in my organization and guests.
- People in my organization.
- Only me
- There tow options for the caller
- Always let the caller bypass the lobby.
- Announce when caller join or leaves.
- Who can present? – this option allows the organizer to set a presenter who can present a presentation or desktop in the meeting.
- Everyone
- People in my organization and guests
- Specific people
- Only me
- Allow attendees to unmute – Using this option organizer can control unmute options for attendees.
- Allow meeting chat – This option allows the organizer to control the chat option. It can be enabled, disabled, or in In-meetings only.
- Allow reaction- This option allows the organizer to control the reaction experience.
Another way to set a meeting option while a meeting, is to select More actions at the top of the meeting window, and then Meeting options. A panel will open on the right, and you can change your options right from there.
One more way to set a meeting option is using the web page, to do so, In Teams or Outlook, go to Calendar, select New meeting, and then Meeting options in a meeting invitation, select Meeting options. You will see exactly the same custom options that the meeting organizer can choose for his/her meeting. Refer to the below screen.
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