01 May How to enable Teams meeting recording and transcription?
Microsoft Teams meeting has recording and transcription option that adds values in to your Teams meeting, by default recording and transcription is not enabled, you (IT admin) can enable the recording and transcription using Teams admin center or PowerShell. When users record their Teams meetings, they can confirm whether a transcript would automatically be generated after the meeting is recorded.
If cloud (Microsoft Stream) recording and transcription disable, then meeting organizer will not get option to record the Teams meeting and generate transcription.
Allow transcription and cloud recording using Teams Admin Portal:
You can enable transcription in Teams meeting policy as port of Global or custom policy in Teams Admin center.
Login to Teams admin center using Teams Service admin or global administrator > Meetings > Meeting policies > Global (org-wide default)
You can enable meeting recording and transcription using PowerShell:
Unless you have assigned a custom policy to the users, they get Global policy, which has Allow Transcription disabled by default. You can enable transcription for individual user by assigning custom policy or enable in global policy to allow everyone.
Enable transcription in Global policy using below command:
Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global -AllowTranscription $True
Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global – AllowCloudRecording $True
You can assign or Remove meeting custom policy for individuals using below command:
Grant-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity <user> -PolicyName $Null -Verbose
Grant-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity <user> -PolicyName <Policyname> -Verbose
How to record Teams meeting?
To start recording, go to the meeting controls and click More options (…) More options button > Start recording.
When you record meeting, you can see transcription option in your meeting recording, refer below image.
Start recording teams meeting with transcription and enjoy richness of Teams capabilities.
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