29 Jan Skype for Business meeting conversation window disappear
Skype for Business meeting conversation window disappear

Recently many customers are reporting issues that when they join Skype for Business meeting the conversation window disappears, and they cannot unmute/mute or see shared presentation/video in the meeting. Audio will work all the time. In order to see meeting window back, they have to exit SfB client completely and re-open client and re-join Skype meeting.
Above mentioned issue started after latest office updates installed. After updates Skype for Business client version shows as: 16.0.11126.20192.
I have updated my Office version and able to reproduce the above, that prove that the issue is due to latest office update. This issue may be reproducing in different ways however below mentioned way to repro issue is consistent.
How to repro Skype windows disappear issue?
Note: This must be performed on a computer where a user has reported seeing the issue.
1. Join a meeting/conference with at least 7 participants in audio. Do not have anything else shared.
2. With the Gallery View displayed (there will be 5 large icons of people and then smaller icons), mouse hover over one of the small icons (likely in a second row) and then move the mouse off the conversation window to another part of the screen.
3. Skype meeting UI will disappear.
Is there any workaround for this issue?
-> So, far there is no good workaround other than below
- Removing the Skype profile and log in to Skype again.
- Another workaround is to just the move the other apps on top full screen on Skype window and double-click the small control window to open it again.
How do I remove Skype profile?
Simply log out from Skype client > then on Skype client click on “Delete my sign-in info” to remove your Skype profile.
Sign-in again and join Skype meeting and Skype meeting window will shows until you hover on small attendee photo icon in gallery view.
Microsoft is aware of this issue and they are working on fix.
Thank you.
Posted at 08:01h, 27 MarchThank you Microsoft, for messing things up again! Thanks to your updates, now we have crashing Skype Windows and have lost the ability to “Save as PDF” in Outlook. Maybe an old adage could work here… IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT!!!
Posted at 05:58h, 16 AprilAmazing things here. I’m very glad to peer your post.
Thank you a lot and I’m having a look forward to touch you.
Will you kindly drop me a e-mail?