Teams Live Event

Microsoft Stream Architecture details Microsoft Stream is a Microsoft enterprise video solution as part of Office 365 were customers can securely carry and deliver videos to their organization. Streams support Live events through Teams, Stream, and Yammer. Microsoft provides a portal to upload, share, and discover...

Microsoft Teams Live Events is online meeting tool for audiences to thousands of concurrent viewers (up to 10000), where presenter team shares audio, video and content and audience or attendee community watches or hears. If you want to learn more about Live event, Live event...

Microsoft Teams Live event are scalable and ideal solution for online meeting up to 10000 audience. Live events like All-Hand, Organization wide announcement, Webinar etc. Live Events scales online meetings to audiences with thousands of concurrent viewers. In background it leverages Artificial Intelligence...

Live event now generally available, it was in preview earlier. Live events in Microsoft 365 enables anyone to create live and on-demand events that deliver compelling communications to employees, customers, and partners. Live events use video and interactive discussions across Teams, Stream,...

If you are looking for Teams live event information, then refer this article: Before scheduling Live event, you must have “Live Event Policies” assigned to your account, you can contact your Administrator to get policy assigned to your account,...

As you know Microsoft Teams delivers chat-based collaboration, calling, meetings etc. Microsoft has added Teams live event to expand the audience of Teams meetings. Currently Teams live event is in preview. If you have already used Skype meeting broadcast, then you will easily get use...