Resolving Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in Issues for Outlook

Balu Ilag | December 31st 2023

Resolving Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in Issues for Outlook

Resolving Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in Issues for Outlook

In the world of unified communications, integrating Microsoft Teams with Outlook is essential for many professionals. Microsoft Teams integrates seamlessly with Outlook, offering functionalities like ‘Share to Teams’, ‘Meet Now’, ‘New Teams Meeting’, and ‘Join Teams Meeting’. However, users sometimes encounter issues where these add-ins are missing. This blog post will guide you through troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue for both individual and multiple users and different ways to troubleshoot these problems. This blog post aims to guide you through troubleshooting and resolving these issues, ensuring a seamless integration between Teams and Outlook.

Addressing Multiple Users Not Seeing Add-ins: In situations where multiple users are affected:

  1. PowerShell Cmdlets: Use the Get-OrganizationConfig PowerShell cmdlet to query the ‘AppsForOfficeEnabled’ parameter. If the value is False, this could be preventing the display of add-ins.
  2. Adjusting Settings: To rectify this, set the ‘AppsForOfficeEnabled’ parameter to True using the Set-OrganizationConfig cmdlet. This change should allow add-ins to appear as expected.
  3. Recommendation: It is generally advised not to set the ‘AppsForOfficeEnabled’ parameter to False, as it overrides administrative and user settings and blocks new apps activation.

Troubleshooting for a Single User: If only one user is experiencing the issue:

  1. Role Assignment Check: The user might be part of a role lacking the correct ‘AppsForOfficeEnabled’ setting. Run the Get-ManagementRoleAssignment cmdlet with the user’s details to check their role assignment.
  2. Further Information: For more comprehensive guidance, Microsoft’s documentation on managing add-ins for Outlook provides valuable insights

Here are the troubleshooting steps: some require IT admin intervention, and some end-users can do it.

Step 1: Manual Resolution Steps for Teams Meeting Add-in Issues in Outlook

For those who prefer a hands-on approach, here are some manual steps to resolve the issue:

If you’re encountering issues with the Teams Meeting add-in for Outlook and prefer to address them manually, follow these detailed steps:

  1. Update Windows 7 (If Applicable)- If any of your users are operating on Windows 7, ensure they install the Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows. This update is crucial for the Teams Meeting add-in to function properly.
  2. Confirm Teams Desktop Client Installation – Make sure that all users have the Teams desktop client installed. The add-in is incompatible with the Teams web client alone.
  3. Check Outlook Version – Verify that all users are using Outlook 2013 or a later version.
  4. Update Outlook – Ensure that the latest updates for the Outlook desktop client have been applied.
  5. Close Applications – Instruct users to exit both Outlook and Teams.
  6. Re-register Add-in – Depending on the version of Office installed, run the appropriate command to re-register the Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll:
  • For 64-bit Office: Execute %SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe /n /i:user %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\1.0.18012.2\x64\Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll.
  • For 32-bit Office: Execute %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe /n /i:user %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\1.0.18012.2\x86\Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll.

Note: If there are multiple folders under \TeamsMeetingAddin with the same version number, choose the one with the highest build number.

  1. Restart Teams and Outlook- Have users restart the Teams desktop client, then sign out and sign back in.
  2. Restart Outlook – Instruct users to restart the Outlook desktop client. It’s important to ensure that Outlook is not running in administrator mode.

By following these steps, users should be able to manually resolve issues related to the Teams Meeting add-in for Outlook. These steps are designed to ensure that all necessary prerequisites are met and that the add-in is correctly registered and recognized by Outlook.

Step 2: Check Add-in Status in Outlook

If the Teams Meeting add-in still doesn’t appear, check its status in Outlook:

  1. In Outlook, go to File > Options > Add-ins.
  2. If the add-in is not listed under Active Application Add-ins, find it under Disabled Application Add-ins.
  3. Manage COM Add-ins and ensure the checkbox next to Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office is selected.

Figure 1, Teams Outlook Add-ins

Step 3: Verifying Registry Settings for Teams Outlook Add-in

As a last resort, check the registry settings related to the add-in. Be cautious with registry edits and ensure you have a backup. Key areas to check include the Load Behavior of the add-in and policies related to Outlook object model prompt and trusted add-ins. Here is step-by-step information:

If the Microsoft Teams add-in for Outlook is not appearing, it’s essential to carefully check specific registry settings. Please proceed with caution, as incorrect modifications to the registry can lead to significant system issues. It’s advisable to back up the registry before making any changes.

  1. Verify Add-in Load Behavior
  1. Access Registry Editor: Open RegEdit.exe from your Windows search bar.
  2. Locate Registry Key: Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\TeamsAddin.FastConnect.
  3. Examine LoadBehavior Value: Check the LoadBehavior value, which should be set to 3.
  4. Modify if Necessary: If LoadBehavior is not 3, change it to 3. After this modification, restart Outlook to see if the add-in appears.
    1. Inspect Outlook Object Model Prompt Policy
  5. Reopen Registry Editor: Launch RegEdit.exe again.
  6. Find Relevant Key: Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Security. If policies are applied using the Cloud Policy service, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Cloud\Office\16.0\Outlook\Security instead.

Note: Cloud Policy settings override those implemented by Group Policy on Windows.

  1. Check promptoomaddressinformationaccess Value: Look for the promptoomaddressinformationaccess registry value. A value of 0 indicates the policy is set to “Automatically deny,” meaning Outlook will automatically reject programmatic access requests from any program. If this is the case, proceed to the next step.
    1. Evaluate Trusted Add-ins Policy

Assess Policy Configuration: If the “Configure trusted add-ins” policy is set, consider the following options:

  • Option 1: Disable or unconfigure the policy setting.
  • Option 2: If retaining the policy is necessary, ensure that Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll is listed among the trusted add-ins. Verify that the hash value of the .dll file is correct using the Get-FileHash

Note: The Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll file is regularly updated alongside the Teams client. Consequently, its hash value must be consistently updated to match the .dll file.

By following these revised steps, you can methodically verify and adjust the necessary registry settings to troubleshoot the Teams Outlook add-in issue. Remember, handle registry edits with care to avoid unintended system complications.

Step 4: Check Policies – IT admin

The first step in troubleshooting is to ensure that the correct policies are assigned to the affected users. These include:


Step 5: Use Diagnostic Tools

If you’re an administrator, Microsoft provides a diagnostic tool to validate that a user has the correct policies for the Teams Outlook add-in. Running this diagnostic can pinpoint tenant or policy configuration issues and suggest next steps.

Teams Add-ins Missing in Outlook (

Figure 2, Shows Teams Add-ins missing Diagnostics

Step 6: Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant

When policies are correctly assigned but the add-in still fails to install, the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant can be a lifesaver. This tool performs automated troubleshooting steps and applies necessary fixes. There’s also an Enterprise version of the Assistant for administrators dealing with issues affecting multiple users.

Additional Tips and Best Practices

  • Regular Updates: Ensure that both Microsoft Teams and Outlook are updated to the latest versions. Outdated versions can lead to compatibility issues.
  • Check Permissions: Verify that users have the necessary permissions to use these add-ins. Administrative restrictions can often cause these features to be unavailable.
  • Organization’s IT Policy: Sometimes, an organization’s IT policy might restrict certain add-ins. Check with your IT department if you suspect this might be the case.

The integration of Microsoft Teams with Outlook is meant to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. However, encountering issues with missing add-ins can be a hindrance. Following these troubleshooting steps can effectively resolve these issues and restore full functionality. For any persisting problems, it’s always a good idea to consult with your IT department or reach out to Microsoft Support for further assistance.

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