Resolving the Missing Teams Meeting Add-in in Outlook Desktop After Updating to New Teams

Balu Ilag | January 25th 2024

Resolving the Missing Teams Meeting Add-in in Outlook Desktop After Updating to New Teams

Resolving the Missing Teams Meeting Add-in in Outlook Desktop After Updating to New Teams

We recently saw that some users have encountered a puzzling issue after updating to New Microsoft Teams. The Teams Meeting button is conspicuously absent when attempting to schedule a meeting in the Outlook Desktop calendar. Further investigation in Outlook Desktop (File > Options > Add-ins > COM Add-ins) reveals that the Teams Meeting Add-in is missing. This problem typically arises if the update to New Teams did not correctly install the Teams Meeting Add-in.

Issue: Teams meeting add-in is missing in Outlook.


Fortunately, there are straightforward solutions to this problem, depending on whether you have both Teams Classic and New Teams installed or only New Teams.

Option 1: For Both Teams Classic and New Teams Installed

  1. Switch to Teams Classic: Start by toggling back to Teams Classic.
  2. Switch Back to New Teams: Switch the toggle back to New Teams. This action prompts New Teams to reinstall the missing add-in.

Option 2: For Only New Teams Installed

  1. Uninstall Teams Meeting Add-in: Right-click the Windows Start button and navigate to Settings > Apps > Installed Apps. Search for the Teams Meeting Add-in, click the three dots, and select Uninstall.
  2. Close Outlook and Teams: Ensure that both Outlook and Teams are entirely closed. For Teams, right-click the Teams icon in the System Tray and select Quit.
  3. Restart New Teams: Relaunch New Teams. This action forces New Teams to reinstall the Teams Meeting Add-in.
  4. Check and Restart Outlook: Once you see the Teams Meeting Add-in reappear in the list of installed apps, restart Outlook. The add-in should now be functional.

This issue, while frustrating, is typically easy to resolve with the steps outlined above. Whether you’re toggling between Classic and New Teams or reinstalling the add-in directly, these solutions are designed to restore full functionality to your Teams-integrated Outlook experience. If problems persist, it may be worthwhile to reach out to Microsoft support for further assistance. Remember, keeping your applications up to date is key to ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.




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