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What is GitHub? GitHub is a code (source code, script, snapshot) hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It allows developers to work together from any place. GitHub is a development platform that enables developers or users to host and review code, manage projects, and build...

Different limits and expiration period applied for Microsoft Teams capabilities Microsoft Teams provides multiple features such as persistent chat, presence, voice/ video call, meeting, application sharing, file sharing, phone system, application integration and so on. In Microsoft Teams, every workload has a different maximum limit...

How to reduce background noise in Microsoft Teams meeting? When there is background noise in a meeting that will affect Teams' meeting audio quality and eventually affected the overall meeting experience. Microsoft Teams desktop client has the capability to reduce background noise in Teams Meetings. Basically, when...

Different ways to set Microsoft Teams meeting options for participants Teams meeting option is very helpful for meeting organizers to change certain meeting settings for a specific meeting. Teams do have an organization-wide setting that defaults to everyone. Teams admin can keep default Teams meeting setting...

How to integrate Datadog and Microsoft Teams? Datadog and Teams integration will benefit by notifying of Datadog alerts and events in Microsoft Teams channel. Also, you can share messages and graphs with your Teams team. Additionally, connecting Microsoft Teams to Datadog will help your team collaborate by...

Teams Breakout Room Generally available Microsoft has announced on December 9th, 2020 that the Teams meeting breakout rooms is generally available. It allows meeting organizers to divide the meeting into sub-groups to accelerate discussions and brainstorming sessions. Teams meeting breakout rooms mainly used when hosting training...

How do Microsoft Teams manage identities? Microsoft Teams is a cloud-only service that means the user who access Teams must have cloud identity. It doesn't mean teams require cloud-only identity. Teams do support all identity models that all available with Office 365. Teams leverage identities stored...

Microsoft Teams Voice Video call and meeting Teams Voice/video call Microsoft Teams provides voice and video call capabilities with desktop sharing so that the users can elevate their chat conversation to voice/video calls. Teams allow users to have a private call between one to one or group...